Sunday, September 7, 2014

Blue Bubun at the Beach

Yesterday, Blue Bubun headed to the beach!

Crossing the Chesapeake Bay Bridge...

 At more than 4 miles long, it takes a while to drive across!

Arrival at the boardwalk in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware!

 Choosing an ice cream flavor....he tried the buttery salted caramel

 Chatting with Zoltar

Checking out the rides at Funland

On the beach - the waves weren't much for people, but were too big for buns

 Lots of tasty but unhealthy food choices!

Playing mini golf on a rooftop

He had to be rescued from this giant ant at mini golf

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Going Downtown

Blue Bubun went downtown to see the sights!

 The Washington Monument, now repaired after the earthquake

World War II memorial

The Lincoln Memorial was quite popular

 Reflecting pool

 Korean War memorial

A smaller memorial tucked away on the side of the reflecting pool that honors the DC residents that served in World War I

 The Jefferson memorial on the other side of the tidal basin.

 This pool on the side of a memorial to John Paul Jones was tempting on a hot day

 The Smithsonian "castle" - too bad it is just offices!

 Looking up into Needle Tower (Kenneth Snelson), a sculpture made entirely of tubes and cables under tension

 Checking out the Hirshhorn and sunken sculpture garden, including a Wish Tree by Yoko Ono

And the White House, glimpsed through the fence